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the smallest shifts
the biggest magic. 

welcome to eliza hill coaching

Do you dream or wish for ”another path” or for what you feel you deserve? Do you hear the voices and expectations around you telling you who you are and how you are meant to live your life? 

Live and be where you are, embracing who you are so you can rewrite your story, and walk forward with the confidence of (re)discovering who you are. It is more than affirmations or a simple reframe; it is truly understanding how you are meant to live and then dropping into your knowing, and rewriting your thoughts and words, your beliefs, and your energy.

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If you are looking for an outcome, a solution, or a resolution in the future rather than fully engaging with what it means to live in the moment, I see you. I have known this impulse all too well — I have learned to show up for myself in ways that both frighten and thrill me, which has drawn me to be a catalyst for others here and now, as well as for what is to come.


My "why" in this life is guiding you to discover what is underneath your surface – what makes you, you — as you begin to build your life, becoming more free from attachments, and full of belief and hope.  


This is no small thing. You deserve to be free, to love and be loved, to see and be seen. Known by those around you, as well as knowing yourself. We have all heard this, and now is the time to believe and claim it for yourself. 

Whether it is in a reading or ongoing 1:1 soul work, I will intuitively guide you through the hard, holding space without judgment, towards living, loving, and growing. Guiding you to know yourself energetically, listening to and trusting your heart, encouraging you to go deep while staying open, remembering that messy in the middle is magic in the works 


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